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Organise Projects

Activity Agreements

There are Activity Agreements (contracts) in the system. Regions' paper based contracts have been re-represented within Enquire. These are often Regional Groups' Activity Agreements with the State Government, such as the Regional Investment Strategy (RIS).


Within the Schedule 3 of each Activity Agreement there are Milestones against each semester of the contract.


Milestones may have contracted Outputs allocated each semester to achieve the Milestones.

Projects and Outputs

Regional Bodies deliver Projects.

Delivery Projects deliver Outputs that contribute to achieving Milestones within Activity Agreements.

Project Outputs can be linked to the Schedule 3 Outputs so that performance at the Project level can "roll" up and contribute to the overall Output and Milestone at the Activity Agreement level. Projects identify the Outputs they are going to deliver and link them to the Milestone they will be contributing against. At reporting time all the similar Project Outputs are totaled for the Milestone Output they are contributing to.

For example, in this diagram Outputs 1 (O1) is being delivered by 3 different projects. Each project is then linked to the Milestone so that at reporting time the actuals from each project are added up against the linked Output.

Projects can deliver Outputs against many Activity Agreements.

Primary Projects

The above way to organise Projects is the most frequently used within the system. It provides flexibility on how Projects choose to deliver i.e towards one or many different Activity Agreements with a Project Manager who reports on the Project's activity.

Another way is to use the Primary Project concept. A Primary Project is one large Project with particular outcomes that delivers many Delivery Projects underneath it.

All Delivery Projects combine to contribute to delivering the larger Project's particular outcomes. A Primary Project has a Primary Project manager who can oversee all the other Projects underneath the Primary Project.

The Primary Project sits above the Delivery Projects.

It delivers towards one or many Activity Agreements. In Enquire you can indicate through the Primary Project, which Milestones the Primary Project's Child Projects are delivering towards. The Child Project then indicates the actual Outputs they will be delivering towards these chosen Milestones.

It has "Child" Projects that actually contribute the delivery Outputs to the Primary Project, that in turn, delivers to the particular Activity Agreement/s.

The Primary Project usually limits the Child Projects in their delivery. They contribute only to the Primary Project, not independently towards other Activity Agreements.

Delivery Area

A Delivery Area in Enquire refers to a grouping of Projects. Some regions choose to group their Projects under key focus topics such as Land, Soil, Water...etc. It is important to understand that a Delivery Area refers only to a broad categorisation of Projects for a particular group. It is the areas of work a group undertakes across its whole business, not necessarily just a part within the regional RIS.

A Delivery Area Manager looks after a particular group of Projects (Delivery Area). It is possible to produce internal reports based on this grouping of Projects (Delivery Area).

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